The new FREE album from Under A Nightmare 'Monsters 89'
Now from what ive heard in the past from these guys i was expecting fast punk rock/hardcore punk songs about halloween, horror and all things ghoulish, and i am certainly not dissapointed!
Like all good horror movies this album starts with an introduction, but this one comes with a twist, it sounds safe and makes the listener comfortable with what their listening to. And then comes the lethal blow!!! 'Cant Wait Til Halloween'
is the first track proper and celebrates all things ghoulish and every fiends favourite time of year. The next two tracks i didnt persoanlly like the first time i heard them but since listening to the album more i have come to appreciate their rawness and freshness and are now amongst my favourite songs on the record. Now we come to my favourite song on the whole album 'Mosters 89', this song starts with a cool little intro and then bursts into a fast-paced punk rock verse followed by awesome backing vocals and some more amazing guitar work coutesy of Coffin Keenan and Marky Madness.
Another strong song is 'Boneyard Road' which has an instant sing-along chorus and will surely become a fan favourite. Other songs that stand out to me are 'Become The Stranger', i love the idea behind this song!!, 'Take It To The Grave'. a shouty punk rock lesson in gang vocals and simple, fun song writing, 'Curse Of The Living', an acoustic affair with added violin!!! and 'Wish It Away', another instant classic showing the four horsemen of the apocalypse doing what they do best!
Every song on this album is a blinder and will keep all you horrorpunks crooning til next halloween!
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