Now first off im going to admit i have something of a softspot for this band having seen them live and purchasing this album and the following single from it.
One look at the album's title and artwork and you know your in horror terror-tory, this is firmly cemented with song titles like 'Rave From The Grave', 'Frankenstomp' and'My Queen Of Halloween'.
The Album's 'Coff' Intro, sounds like something from The Exorcist and is equally if not more unsettling, the mood then quickly changes to the evil-sounding horrorpunk that TDQM fans are familiar with, driving guitars, subtle bass and pounding drums provide the perfect backing for frontman, Al. B. Damned's piercing vocals. The Chorus of this opening song is so ghoulishly catchy its been stuck in my head since i first heard it. Next we have the chugging 'Undead On Arrival' which has a strong grunge sound to it and clever trademark horror-themed lyrics.
Then comes a double attack with the songs 'Toe Tag Your It' and 'Frankenstomp', both these songs show the band on great songwriting form and will have you shouting the chorus for months to come. Mid-way through the album and we get to 'Duet To Disembowel You', this song shows TDQM's love of metal and industrial music (a la Rob Zombie?) also the chorus has a very strong grunge undertone.
Next we have one of the more accesable songs on the album 'My Queen Of Halloween', with a spoken intro about an escaped killer and lyrics that include 'You Are My Ghoul From A Horror Movie' and 'Trick or Treat Spiderbaby' this song is a call to arms for all horrorgirls. Track number 8 'Ugly' is a punk rock FUCK YOU to the mainstream bastards that plague society, this song also has maybe one of the best lines in horrorpunk: 'Im Ugly And I Dont Give A Fuck, When They Gave Out Looks I Was Out To Lunch!'.
Title track 'His And Hearse' is a Horror-rock 'n Roll song straight from the 8th circle of hell complete with backing screams and a simple but rocking solo. Now the pace slows down with 'Possessed', an ode to the evil inside each and every one of us, this song also shows some awesome song writing skills from these boys.
'Kill Yourself' brings the horror straight back although your parents may not approve (haha!) of you singing 'Die! Die! Suicide!' at the top of your bloodied lungs. Then we get to fan and live favourite (and single) 'Dead Girls' this a comedic tribute to those girls that spend all their lives looking in the mirror and as a result end up dead inside. And to end the album 'Home Sweet Home 1313' which tells the tale of a day at the munsters residence on halloween!!! All in all this is one horrific album and is one of the best modern horrorpunk records around.
Oh also i heard a certain Mr. 13 is a big fan of these guys!
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