Thursday 1 February 2007

Sleezus Fist And The Latter Day Taints - Urban Zombies

When i first heard of this band i was very intrigued by their name: Sleezus FistAnd The Latter Day Taints, i wanted to know who Sleezus Fist was and who the Latter Day Taints were! Hopefully an upcoming interview will answer those questions!

On with the review....

This is Sleezus Fist's Third offering to the world of horrorpunk and they aint holding anything back. 'Urban Zombies' starts of with military-esque intro track 'Million Undead March' which leads faultlessly into first track proper 'Night Of The Comet', a sing-a-long, thrash-punk anthem about a radioactive comet that crashes to earth.
The next two slabs of noise are 'Writing From The Grave' and 'Psychopath', both these tracks are short, sharp, raw punk rock songs with strong hardcore influences, the power of these songs is noticable from the first note and it never gives way throughout each song. 'Writing From The Grave' also has an awesome thrash solo!
Next we get to 'Die', a hilarious hate song about enemies, apart from being funny this song shows some incredible songwriting talent and even has a rap breakdown. This is horrificly followed by 'I Bury The Living' a horrorpunk anthem if i ever heard one but still retaining that SF&TLDT raw edge.
We're on Track 7 'Alpha Beta Kappa Kill', and aswell as being the best song name ive ever seen, this is my favourite song on the record. Next three songs 'Curse Of Lakstad', 'Undead Army' and 'Victims' are all classic horrorpunk-metal and has the Sleezus boys showing a true skill for short catchy songs!
'Redneck Truckers' Track 11, is a desert story about a psycho that kills Redneck Truckers! this song starts of with a slightly psychobilly riff and is one of the lighter more accessable tracks on the album. Then the hardcore punk is brought roaring back with 'Fallen Down' a blasting rock song about the mind of a psycho.
Nearing the end of the album and nearly out of breathe we get the double assault of 'Lot 606' and 'Dead Girls', another two creative thrash punk classics!
Sadly we reach the last track 'Thank You For The Ride', a slower catchy ending to a raw punk record!!!
Sleezus Fist have released a storming album which is sure to be a cult classic. With huge amounts of talent and awesome songwriting Sleezus Fist And The Latter Day Taints are sure to become your new favourite band!!!!!

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