Monday, 15 January 2007

Grave Words With Coffin Keenan - Under A Nightmare Interview

Welcome to Scare Street!

Who is visiting us today?

Hey, you're being visited by Coffin Keenan-lead guitar/vocals, sirs and madams.

Who else completes Under A Nightmare?

Well there's Jordy Coroner on bass, Marky Madness on Rhythm Geetar, and the Cubscout of Death on the skins.

What Are your releases to date?

Ghouls On The Gallows CD (Unreleased 6 track demo) (2002)

I Thought She Was Dead CD (16 track Demo LP) (2003)

Valley Of The Scarecrow CD (Debut Full Length LP) (2004)

Return Of The Rot CD (2nd Full Length LP) (2005)

"Rock-A-Horror Show" Compilation CD (2006)

"Art Institute Of Pittsburgh" Compilation CD (2006)

"It Came From Trafalgar" Soundtrack CD (2007)

Monsters 89 CD (3rd Full Length LP) (2007)

Which songs from your latest album 'Monsters 89' are you most proud of?

Oh boy, well I think I've had the most fun recording and playing live the following: "blood on the wall", "dead youth", and "between madness". There were alot of songs on this album that meant alot to me, I put more of myself into these songs rather than just making more campy fun songs, mind you those songs are still there also, haha.

Ive noticed you have an awesome amount of fans, have you ever had any weird experiences with fans?

The weirdness usually tends to follow marky where I usually just get drunk idiots who want to brawl on stage. I think the best story with mark is we were playing the smiling moose in pittsburgh in 2006 and in comes the band Kittie, the drummer was drunk off her ass and tried to pick up mark. With jordy one time we raffled his body of to some lucky lady at our first horrorfest show in 2004, that was a night to remember. Otherwise we've had many memorable experiences with people, and we love playing everwhere we get the chance.

What are UAN's plans for 2007?

First and foremost is to get the new album "monsters 89" out, because we've had it for free on the net forever and need physical copies for shows, etc. We've actually already begun writing our next cd too. It comes down to the fact that we've had to press all our cds, shirts, etc ourselves and it's been hard. We've been on Crypt of Blood Records since 2004 and still don't have an official silver-pressed release. Hopefully something will pull through with them or whomever will promote us in the future. After that, we plan to tour as far and long as possible. We've been wanting to get out to the west coast and mid states forever, but havent because we need a van and gas money. But we've been dying to do it, and we will someday. That goes as well for overseas,etc. We'd love to tour the UK, Germany, etc!!

Is there any story behind the name - Under A Nightmare?

As far as how we got the name, we were pondering forever it seemed in 2002 and were originall called Synapse for a couple demos we did. We eventually were playing our first show and changed it to Under A Nightmare mostly due to the fact that I had always wanted to have a band with nightmare in the title. We had this scetch of a bratty girl lying in covers on a bed with an angry monster underneath the bed, thus came, Under A Nightmare, as a sort of joke.

Have you ever visited the Devils Dragstrip?

Haha, you'll have to ask marky about that one, but to me, when we've travelled to Buffalo NY about five times now, we've had this mad max type battle along the highway a couple times. Usually I'm at the wheel and the cubscout will toss someting like underwear or donuts at jordy in another car, its a good laugh upon the Devil's Dragstip.

Who are you favourite horror monsters?

Jason Voorhees, Frankenstein, Dr Phibes, The Creature, and zombies in general

Do you have many fans in the UK?

Recently we've had the pleasure of meeting people like yourself and "harri-san", and many others, so yeah it's growing I suppose, I know we'd love to get over there and tear things up in the night.

Thanks for you time, any last words?

Thanks alot for the interview and review! Everyone download monsters 89 for free from our myspace blog or soundclick page!! Check our myspace for updates,shows, etc coming up!

Doctor Von Bracken

Scare Street

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awesome interview from an awesome band! I'll be checking this blog more in the future, you seem to get some really good musicians to do your interviews :)